Monday, March 10, 2014

Make Your Bath Ready for Moving

So you've decided to hire a professional moving company... Now you're planning how to pack your things.

If you wish to do the packing for your bathroom, you can make things easier by sorting your toiletries, bathroom accessories, cleaning supplies, and linens. Remember to keep only what you need while setting aside some bare essentials.

Your bathroom will probably be one of the last rooms you will use before finally moving out. But there are a few stuff that you can pack early, including linens. It is a good idea to pack clean linens and towels separately. Make sure you fold all linens properly and place them into a cardboard box. But don't pack all your towels - leave some for family use until you move out.

Also, sort through your medicine cabinet. Properly dispose any medication that reached its expiry date. You can take them to a chemist instead of throwing them straight to the bin. Vitamins and first aid supplies should be placed in a small plastic box within your reach.
What you can dispose are a bunch of toilet brushes and empty bottles and containers. After you've used up all the shampoo and conditioner before the moving day, throw them out! For toiletries that you can still use, you can pack them in small boxes or plastic bags.

Next, use small, sturdy boxes in packing your bathroom items, such as brushes, and makeup. Keep things that you use daily in a separate, accessible container. According to professional movers, the rule is basically the same. You should pack lighter items on top of heavier ones. Protect fragile items when packing -- glass, porcelains, and other breakables should be carefully placed in their designated boxes.

For those bathroom accessories that you can toss, professional movers suggest that you should think of what you can reuse -- like old towels. Cut them and use as rags for cleaning your bath. Put all bathroom cleaning supplies in your “cleaning box.” Keep liquids in leak-proof containers.

Speaking of cleaning, this is an essential step that you shouldn't miss before you settle. In the event that a potential home buyer will have to look into your property, your bath will be squeaky clean and presentable. Use newspaper to dry your shower screen, mirror, and windows. Make sure you are using a face mask,or open your bathroom window to give your lungs a break when cleaning with harsh chemicals. You can also try ingredients that can be found in your kitchen. Try baking soda, vinegar, and salt. You can use these on surfaces that aren't too soiled or stained. And the best part: they're eco-friendly.

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