Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How to Pack Your Bedroom When You Move

Linens and clothes can take up much space and time when moving. Not to mention the furniture, mattresses, and other large items. To save you from the clutter in packing, follow these tips --

The first thing you need to do when packing your bedroom is sort through your closets. If you keep more clothes than you ever wear, it's time to get rid of those outdated wardrobe before you move. You can keep the items that need cleaning or mending. If it's beyond repair, stash it away. You can sell unwanted items or donate to charity. Each family member can pack their own rooms to simplify the moving process.

Professional movers suggest using wardrobe boxes for clothes that you don't want to take off the hanger. You can fold other clothing into a medium to large-sized box that has been lined with plain paper. Make sure the boxes are not too heavy to lift and label them appropriately.

You can use the original boxes for your shoes. If you no longer have the boxes, wrap each shoe in plain newsprint paper then wrap each pair together. Place them in the same box and label properly. Be careful not to pack heavy items on top of the shoes. Lighter items like blankets and pillows could be use to top off the box.

Secure jewelries in your valuable box and don't pack them with your clothes. Take them with you as most moving companies will not move valuables without proper insurance.

Linens, Bedding, and Pillow
Pack sheets, linens, and pillows in a clear plastic bag to easily identify which bedroom it belongs to. Make sure it is sealed. 

Mattresses and Dressers
Purchase a mattress bag and box from your mover. Once wrapped, store it against a wall. Dressers can be emptied or sealed properly.

To read more about moving a mattress, click here.

Mirrors and Picture Frames
Place fragile items in special cartons that can be purchased from your moving company. Ask your mover about crating if the box can't carry the weight of the mirror. Make sure it is labeled clearly.

Curtains, Drapes, and Blinds
Clean these items properly before packing. Hang them in a wardrobe box to keep them wrinkle and tangle-free. You can fold the drapery in plain paper and place it in a medium-sized box if a wardrobe box is not available.

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