Friday, April 11, 2014

Are You Making These Costly Moving Habits?

Image: Stuart
When moving right the first time, you might cringe at the thought of packing your things. Perhaps you don't know where to start. You eventually jump into hiring a moving company only to find out later on that there are more affordable packing options. In this post, we will explore some of the habits that could end up costing you more than what's expected. 

You hoard a lot of stuff.
If you are the type of person who can't seem to let go of your old stuff and just keep it in the garage or closet, you could end up with more expenses in packing. If you pack more, you take up more space. If you want to maximize that valuable space in the moving truck, you have to pack only what's essential.

Professional movers suggest sorting through your entire house from closets to cupboards down to your basement. Getting rid of the junk can significantly lower the cost of your move. You can donate or hold a garage sale. Downsizing can make a big difference.

You're not picky when it comes to packaging.
You might think you can save more when you just use any box available in your home. But think again. Professional-grade boxes might seem like a costly option, but what about the risk of damaging your items when placing them in boxes that aren't designed for moving? If other people have dumped that box and you've found it, we encourage you not to pick it up. It may be thrown away for some reasons, maybe the person who dumped it realized that it's not sturdy enough. Chances are, it's not fit for your precious belongings either. 

You’re moving at peak season.
Most professional movers would agree that the peak times for moving are during summertime and the end of the month. And when the demand is high, moving costs are most likely to soar, too. When you get a moving quote, ask for the most affordable date available within your time frame and budget.

Not looking at the gas price heat map
According to professional movers, gas prices vary per state and this can add up in a moving truck. Make sure to check the places that you'll be driving through.

Not knowing all your options
You can do some of the work on your own. You can pack your clothes, kitchen utensils, fragile items, and more then leave the large furniture and bulky items to the experts. You can also hire a full-service moving company. When you get an in-home estimate, ask about any additional charges and if they offer packing options.

Got any suggestions in keeping your moving costs low? Share it with us!

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